Three thoughts Friday edition to close out your voiceover week:
1.) They say you attract what you are, not what you want.
Are you looking for premium clients, major agency representation, and the kind of voiceover work that is both lucrative and fulfilling? Your web and social media presence needs to reflect that. Does your site say “premium,” “industry-leader,” or “quality,” or does it say “fly-by-night,” “basic,” or “directionless?” Do you constantly engage in acrimonious debates online about politics, religion, social issues, or industry problems? Or are you a voice of reason and moderation, careful to avoid incendiary rhetoric that could harm your brand? Food for thought.
2.) When are you “demo ready?”
My answer: When you are talented enough in a specific genre to make a demo that will help you book market rate work, and when you are confident that your self-directed reads are likely to match your coach-directed or producer-directed reads. I disagree with the idea that you have to be ready talent-wise to submit to a top-5 LA agent before you should do a demo, BUT……make sure you have a realistic discussion with your coach/demo producer about where your ability level lies, and what the best use of your demo is. If you’re good enough to make local/regional agency rosters, the book occasionally, and do pretty well through online sites, you still might not be ready for the big coastal union shops, where the competition is genuinely ferocious, and if you submit to them you might be in for an ego-bruising. Know where you stand, and if you’re not sure, ask!
3.) Stay cool!
Okay, if you’ve been to one of my workshops, you know I’m a polar bear. I had a colleague tell me about passing out in their booth this week due to the heat. Literally out cold….or hot, as it were. Stay hydrated, and take plenty of breaks. My productivity definitely dips a little in the summertime. Don’t be ashamed if yours does too.
Russ DeWolfe says
Great stuff J. Michael! Thanks for taking the time to share!